
目前顯示的是 1月, 2014的文章

Melanie Monster

This week’s Hottie of the Week is something special. She’s a super cute / sexy asian woman who models and is a musician. Yep she makes music and she’s gorgeous. You can follow her on Facebook here and her band here .

Because Nobody Likes Bras


Who’s Ready For the Huge Tracts of Land Post?



日本人喜欢瞬间盛开瞬间随风而逝的樱花,与其“不求天长地久,但求曾经拥有”的文化是有关系的。这种民族性融入和反映在日本社会的方方面面,AV界也不例外。可以这样讲,日本AV女优就犹如4月的樱花,“一层层,一堆堆,好像云海似地”。但是,不管她盛开时多么绚丽烂漫,如云似霞;凋零时也是无声无息、一片片花瓣随风飘落,不禁让人感慨。 日本的AV女优一般分为三种类型,一种是“专属型女优”,一种是“混合型女优”,还有一种就是“自由型女优”。“专属型女优”往往知名度较高,拥有一群忠实趸定的粉丝,她们都与特定的经纪公司签有专属合约。出演的作品发行时,她们是绝对耀眼的“封面人物”。从某种意义上说,AV是围着她们转,更像是专辑,在中国大陆一度大红大紫的“苍老师”以前就属于这一行列。这些“红牌”是AV销售量的坚强保证,制片公司如果能请到她们出演,就如把金卡插进了提款机,只是赚多赚少的问题。不过,既然是“金卡”,自然发行量有限,她们在整个AV女优中比例不到1%。

Octopus: The Footed Void

by Caspar Henderson The closer you look at an octopus, the more you see. Consider its anatomy: the “head,” a sack resembling a human scrotum that can shift through the entire color spectrum; the three hearts pumping blood that contains copper rather than iron; the eyes so very like human ones and yet radically more elegant in design. In a celebrated poem Ogden Nash begs the octopus to tell him if its limbs are arms or legs. Textbooks have a no-nonsense answer: they are arms, not legs (and emphatically not tentacles). But super tongues would be at least as good. Each octopus arm is a muscular hydrostat, like a human tongue, and each of the tens or hundreds of suckers on it is lined with tens of thousands of chemoreceptors—taste buds to you and me—and a comparable number of nerve endings that provide an exquisite sense of touch. Or consider its intelligence: In experiments carried out with the Common octopuses, individuals are faced with five opaque doors, only one of which has

Battle of the Babes

Olivia Wilde vs Rosario Dawson vs Scarlett Johansson When we were going over some of the hottest faces to have come out of California, I tried to make it as evenly matched as I could. I love when Battles are hard on you. (Or is that when Battles make you hard?) Whichever the case, we're hitting the airlines and taking a flight from one side of the country to the other. For the next few weeks, plan on crowning a Queen of New York, baby! Olivia Wilde


在日本,加入黑帮是一种合法的生活方式。2010年底,日本黑帮注册成员为78600人。通体纹身、纪律严明、公开活动,这个庞大群体在给人残酷和冷血的印象之外,也在恪守自己的“江湖道义” 日本是世界上唯一承认黑帮合法性的国家,只要黑帮在制定的法律下活动,就发给其合法准证。日本警视厅每年都会发布白皮书,详细列出日本黑帮的数量和具体成 员人数。2010年底,日本22个黑帮组织共有78600名成员。图为2009年,东京歌舞伎町,黑帮组织进行年度“团拜”。他们西装革履,集体出动,在 自己的地盘上跟每一个人问好。“街上弥漫着一种微妙的气氛,混合着尊敬,恐惧,愤怒,不知所措以及羡慕。”2010年起,此活动被官方禁止。

唐伯虎點秋香 露骨情書出現西安?

「唐伯虎點秋香」是中國著名的才子佳人民間傳說,對台灣影迷而言,周星馳與鞏俐主演的版本可能更為知名,不然蟑螂怎麼被暱稱為「小強」?唐伯虎是貨 真價實的明代才子,但秋香向來只存在故事裡;不過最近西安出現一本《注評唐六如小簡》,內容收錄了10封唐伯虎寫給秋香的情書,而謹慎的專家仍指真偽有待 考證。 據大陸媒體中通社報導,《注評唐六如小簡》是抄錄明末清初知名文學家金聖嘆點評的手抄本,成稿於1933年,總共收錄了唐伯虎75封書信,內容多半 是寫給他的妻子、好友祝枝山、文徵明等人,寫給太太的主要是日常生活瑣事,寫給才子好友的則是討論作品和相約出遊。其中最最精采的,是寫給秋香的10封情 書,內容濃情蜜意、情話綿綿。

古代皇帝靠什么 一夜奋战30次?

  古代帝王中有“夜夜不空过”的说法,就是每夜要召幸一名宫 妃。南宋皇帝赵禥在这方面做到了登峰造极,史书记载:赵禥皇帝一夜竟然临幸了30多个年轻美貌的宫妃。无独有偶,清乾隆年间毕沅的《续资治通鉴·宋纪一百 八十》也有载:“帝自为太子,以好内闻;既立,耽于酒色。故事,嫔妾进御,晨诣合门谢恩,主者书其月日。及帝之初,一日谢恩者三十馀人。”这段话的大意也 就是赵禥皇帝一夜宠幸30多个宫妃,由此可见,赵禥皇帝房事能力真可谓前无古人后无来者,笑傲于天下了。

乳神张优 爆乳闺房秀


Window to the Past – When photographs from the past of Budapest meet the present

When photographs from the past of Budapest meet the present, the excellent project “ Window to the Past ” from the Hungarian photographer Kerényi Zoltán , who walks around the city of Budapest to find places of old photographs and then superimpose them on present. An incredible collection of over 300 past / present photographs of the city made by this photographer / architect passionate about his city. On the same principle, I also recommend the excellent “51 pictures of movies replaced in reality” and “Abandoned school in Detroit – Then and Now, 31 Photographs from the past meet the present“.

Russian Pin-Up by photographer Irina Davis


LEGO ALBUMS – Famous album covers recreated with LEGO

“ LEGO ALBUMS “, or when a music and LEGO fan decided to recreate the covers of famous music albums with LEGO! Nirvana, Michael Jackson, MF Doom, Aerosmith, Radiohead, Madonna, Daft Punk, Pink Floyd and many others, a great series to follow on his LEGO ALBUMS  Tumblr! I also recommend you the nice series “Art and LEGO – Advertising concepts by Marco Sodano“.

王筱茜(聶筱茜) 無敵爆乳正妹

網路上相當有名而且性感的正妹王筱茜(聶筱茜) 王筱茜(聶筱茜)在網路上的美圖有很多喔!每一張照片的威力都相當驚人啊...




  http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/beauty/20131226/315621/# 王宣 生日:3/9 身高:165cm 體重:46kg 星座:雙魚座 學歷:輔仁大學織品學系 作品:德安百貨代言人、天才衝衝衝助理主持、歡樂智多星助理主持 臉書: https://www.facebook.com/Angel82309  


大陆知名油画家陈丹青最近在节目上,解读大陆网友喜爱日本AV文化的现象。他认为,中日存在同文的情结,日本色情片受中国春宫影响注重生活。他还称,中国的嫖客最粗暴、无礼,在性交易中最没有教养的就是中国男人。 陈 丹青近日受邀上凤凰卫视《锵锵三人行》节目,与作家查建英、主持人窦文涛一起谈论日本AV文化。对于 大陆网友喜爱日本AV女优,却对德国或英国等西方女优冷感,陈丹青说,中日两国有一种情结,日本有一句话叫做同文同种,「你看日本人,会看见我们自己,但 又不是我们自己,这一层心理会让中国网友兴奋!」