
目前顯示的是 7月, 2014的文章


乱伦之事,历来为人不齿。但偌大的世界,却无奇不有。 这种反人性的事件,过去我们仅在小说或戏剧中屡屡见之。如曹禺的《雷雨》,周萍与继母繁漪的不伦恋;周萍与鲁四妹的兄妹恋。前者明知故纵,尔后幡然悔悟以逃遁,然到底无血缘关系;后者始不知情,却是同母异父,有血肉之亲情,最终酝酿双双殒命的悲剧。 大家印象比较深刻的还有,《红楼梦》里贾珍与儿媳秦可卿“爬灰”的掌故,这是典型的“老公公吃媳妇”。 其实,历史上宫廷帝王生活,翁媳之间或子与继母苟且之事屡见不鲜。譬如唐代,唐高宗(李治)之与武则天(武媚娘);唐玄宗(李隆基)之与杨贵妃(杨玉环),不过,这两起爱情个案,亦多少存在人性化。但比唐朝更荒唐的是汉朝,汉武帝时期,江都王淫乱王宫,乃至连亲生闺女都不肯放过,最终遭致正在整顿朝纲的汉武帝龙颜大怒,索性予以灭门。



The Atrocities Committed At Japan’s Unit 731

I have to admit that whilst I was aware that the Nazi’s carried out horrendous medical experiments on POW’s, I was not aware that the Japanese had done the same. Some of the most gruesome atrocities of World War II – medical experiments on Chinese, Russian and American prisoners – were committed in China by Japan’s infamous Unit 731. Unit 731 was first founded in 1932 in occupied China by Shiro Ishi of the Imperial Army of Japan. The Unit 731 complex covered six square kilometers and consisted of more than 150 buildings and was based in the Pingfang district of the city of Harbin in the puppet state of Manchukuo.. The design of the facilities made them hard to destroy by bombing.