
目前顯示的是 8月, 2014的文章

甲午战争清政府最担心持久作战 怕王朝被颠覆

       历史反复向我们昭示,进行战略决策必须要有底线思维,有了应付最坏情况的精神准备与物质准备,才能在敌我互争中措置裕如,在战争中始终处于主动地位。      精心设计战争,周密谋划战争,是战略决策的重要内容,也是事关战争胜负的重大问题。设计和谋划战争,必须以战略目标为依据,以国家实力特别是军事实力为基础,同时考虑地理条件和国际国内支持程度等因素。   甲午战前,日本对侵略中国和朝鲜的战争进行了长期的研究和设计,明确了战争的目标任务、制定了战略方针。战时,在每次会战的战略决策中,日军不 仅明确了具体的战略方针,还规定了陆军与海军如何协同、如何设立兵站、何时切断何处电线、何时派出侦察兵等等。例如,在旅顺会战中,日本联合舰队一方面积 极协助第二军登陆,一方面密切监视海上态势,寻机歼灭清军舰艇。

10 Controversial Points about the Moon Landings

Did Man really land on the Moon or was the giant leap for mankind filmed in a studio somewhere on Earth? The photos and the rest of the evidence of the landings have been hotly disputed for decades and around 6% of US citizens believe that they were faked. So what are the 10 most controversial points about the so called moon landing hoax? The Waving Flag Perhaps the point which seems to point most strongly to the moon landings being faked is that the US flag appears to move in the wind. What wind, you might well ask. Those people who say that we have really stepped onto the lunar surface say that it is moving because it was on an L shaped pole and was planted firmly into the ground. The lack of air resistance supposedly caused it to carry on moving.