
目前顯示的是 5月, 2019的文章

10 Airlines with Most Beautiful Flight Attendants

Traveling is fun but being a flight attendant is very challenging as well as demanding task. However, at the same time the profession involves a lot of glamour too. From their height to uniforms, every aspect of flight attendants depicts the airlines they represent. Here is a rundown of top 10 airlines with most beautiful flight attendants. 10. Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific is considered as one of the best airlines and is well-known for its services, hospitality and the number of accolades. This Hong Kong-based airline has some sharp, sensuous and subtle female flight attendants. With their red uniforms, the Cathay Pacific has been bragged about having some of the prettiest flight attendants. Rather than choosing professional models, they opted to showcase their beautiful stewardesses on the catwalk. They take the beautiful faces and bring them to goodness with expensive as well as proper training schedules. The services provided by them are top-notch regardi


知道刊发《你为什么不爱喝可乐了?》一文后,有网友留言称,或许是奶茶业务太好了吧。这可引起不少人的共鸣,如果说不爱喝可乐是因为健康因素,可明明奶茶也会引起发胖啊,但年轻人依然趋之如骛——比如周杰伦都已经“胖成球”了,却依然爱喝奶茶。 不久前,有网友晒出了周杰伦的近照,当天周杰伦身着一身黑衣,一边下车一边喝着奶茶,整个人都有往横向发展、并且不断变圆的趋势。以前的周董是M号,照片上却呈现出XXL号的态势,于是有人发明了“奶茶胖”这个新词。 网友对周董的善意调侃的背后,是因为他们在周董的身上,看到了自己对奶茶的执迷以及“奶茶胖”的症候。吃完饭想来一杯奶茶,散步时想来一杯奶茶,约会时想来一杯奶茶,无聊时想来一杯奶茶,甚至有人“一天不喝想到发疯,两天不喝精神崩溃”。大家为什么这么爱奶茶?奶茶真这么好喝吗? 奶茶征服年轻人的胃 中国商业化程度较高的奶茶主要有两种,台式奶茶和港式奶茶。 台式奶茶其根源鼻祖就是荷兰人带来的欧陆式奶茶。关于台湾珍珠奶茶起源的说法有很多,而由台湾媒体经过调查采访后正式向外界公布的是,1987年春季台湾“春水堂”冷饮部店长林秀慧女士把地方小吃粉圆加入奶茶,推展给消费者获得成功。