
目前顯示的是 10月, 2023的文章

The father pumped him with drugs, and the mother called the cops: Britney Spears' book went on sale

In many stores, the book comes with a bookmark in the shape of a kitchen knife. A reference to those same strange dances. Britney Spears' book "The woman in me" has appeared on the shelves of bookstores in the United States. In it, Britney talked about her life: the pressure of her father, the betrayal of her husband and mother. Источник: https://fishki.net/4513116-otec-nakachival-preparatami-a-maty-vzyvala-kopov-v-prodazhe.html?from=upd © Fishki.net Britney Spears' book "The woman in me" has appeared on the shelves of bookstores in the United States. In it, Britney talked about her life: the pressure of her father, the betrayal of her husband and mother. Father pressure   Britney Spears has talked a lot about her relationship with her father. He did not give her freedom, forced her to lose weight, watched her in her soul and sold his daughter like a toy. In the book, Britney said that her parents still do not understand what they did. "I don'

Birth Photography Contest Celebrate Magic Moments of Childbirth

  “Stunning Siblings First Encounter,” First Place Winner, Photo: Marijke Thoen Birthphotography Childbirth represents one of the greatest—and most rewarding—challenges that a human can endure. Every year, the International Association of Professional Birth Photographer s (IAPBP) celebrate this poignant experience with their annual birth photography contest . As an online community of over 1,200 members in 42 countries, they host the Image Competition in an effort to “share the beauty of birth with the world .” The winners were recently announced, and within the scope of the competition, history was made. In 2016, photographer Marijke Thoen Geboortefotografie won the grand prize for her image of a water birth. “The beautiful baby in that photo is now a big sister,” the competition explains, “and [Geboortefotografie] has won the competition with an image featuring the adorable siblings!” In addition to Geboortefotografie’s awe-inspiring photograph, IAPBP has selected winners in

Comics About Everyday Life In Amsterdam

Life is weird and wonderful. I like telling stories about mine, and what better way to do that than in graphic short stories, comics if you will.I live and work in Amsterdam, which is great except that the rent is too damn high. Therefore I share my small, creaky, and leaky apartment with my lifelong friend Famke. She’s in my comics too. Went to a pretentious art school. It turns out comics are not art. Somebody should have told me. I left after a year or so. Or maybe I was kicked out; I forget. I draw comics for fun; I make psychedelic art for fun, occasionally I do commissions, and when I’m poor, I do odd jobs. These are usually not fun but definitely great material for new comics. My notebooks are full of graphic stories in all shapes and sizes. Recently I’ve started to produce stories you can read on your phone. I’ve made a pretty awesome website, and I publish my work on Imgur and Reddit. I also dabble at Instagram. So yeah, find me there. Lots of love, Jean Dolly. M

Ubiquitous Items Are Organized Into Intricate and Colorful Compositions by Adam Hillman

  “Skeleton Keys.” Everyday objects are puzzled into meticulously organized compositions in the work of Adam Hillman , who has a knack for arranging items like coins, fruits and vegetables, toothpicks, and keys into vibrant flat-lays. Inspired by textures, color, and gradients, the artist responds to the tactile qualities of each material to form intricately woven straws, stacked pennies, and breakfast cereal into geometric forms. You can find more of Hillman’s work on Instagram , and purchase prints at Society6 . “Straws-hatching” “Brick Work” “Pickwheeling” “Cubism” Details of “Straws-hatching” and “Skeleton Keys” “Balanced Budget” “Break-Fast”

Amazing Vintage Photos of Guests in Their Costumes for the 1897 Devonshire House Ball

  The Devonshire House Ball in 1897 was a fancy dress ball, aka a costume party. The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire had hosted a similarly lavish ball in the 1870s, and it was immensely popular with the Prince and Princess of Wales (the future King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra). In honor of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897, they decided to replicate the event. They held the ball at their London house, Devonshire House, in Picadilly. While multiple balls were held every night during the London season, this was the ball. The Duke of Devonshire was a Member of Parliament and a Liberal cabinet member and was an original member of the Marlborough Set. (The Marlborough Set was the group of friends and aristocrats who were closely connected with the Waleses, named for the Prince’s Marlborough House. The group enjoyed a lavish party, where money was no object- at least not for Edward…) Like any good costume party, the ball needed a theme. The Devonshires chose the theme

Vintage Photos Of Antarctica’s Frozen Hellscape

During the golden age of Antarctic expeditions, men risked their lives in this frozen wasteland — and brought back some incredible photos. A wave, frozen while crashing through the air, frames Douglas Mawson's ship, the  Aurora . 1911. National Library of Australia At the dawn of the 20th century, men risked their lives venturing into the frozen lands of Antarctica and toward the South Pole. It was called the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration, a name earned because so many of those men didn't make it back alive. The wreck of the  Gratitude , washed up among the penguins of Macquarie Island. 1911. State Library of New South Wales Some of the stories that came out of this period of Antarctic expeditions are incredibly brutal. Over the course of 17 expeditions into Antarctica, 19 men died, some shattering their bones on the hard rocks of the frozen continent and others freezing under heavy blizzards. A blizzard hits members of an expedition, just outside of their winter

Bad Girls of the Bible

  Why do you suppose God preserved life stories of bad girls in the Bible? Perhaps to illustrate “… that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 NAS). From the Garden, God gave instructions, the consequences, and allowed His creations to make their choices—faith in Him or eternity with the devil. Could it be, like beauty in the eye of the beholder —all bad girls in our eyes may not be condemned in God’s eyes? Why? Because of Jesus and their changed hearts. What encouraging words for us that harlots, murderers, liars, and rich, evil queens are listed in God’s Word. Could whosoever mean there’s hope for you and me? Absolutely. You have a choice. Your past doesn’t dictate your future or your eternity. Tamar One of Jacob’s 12 sons, Judah, married a Canaanite woman who had two sons. According to custom, Judah obtained Tamar as wife for his eldest, Er. But God called this boy evil and took his life. According to the law, Judah told his ne


  越戰期間,美國向寮國投擲了2.7億枚炸彈。 40 多年後,這些設備仍在殺人 我站在寮國北部的一片稻田裡,距離最近的大城市豐沙灣幾公里。 雖然是清晨,但已經很熱了。 到中午,首都萬象的氣溫將達到32度以上,接近40度。 我跟隨一個叫馬克·懷特塞德的人進入了這個領域。 我被指示不要走開,要永遠靠近他。 現在我們站在一起,懷特塞德指著離我們很近的東西,這讓我心跳加速。 我們正在觀察一個部分顯露的物體,其大小和形狀與網球相同。 這是一顆 Blu-26 集束炸彈。 如果它現在熄滅會發生什麼? 馬克·懷特塞德(Mark Whiteside) 與MAG(地雷顧問集團)合作,週遊老撾,清理了1964 年至1973 年間美國投下的8000 萬枚未爆炸彈藥中的一部分。視頻:Brenda Fitzsimons / 由Simon Cumbers Media Fund 支持 懷特塞德在安哥拉從事掃雷工作十年,大約 18 個月前來到寮國,他實事求是地回答。 「將會有人死亡,」他說。 “因為我們離它太近了。” 每年,由於寮國內戰的未爆彈,數百名洛阿提亞人繼續遭受死亡、肢解和毀容的痛苦。 影片:布倫達·菲茨西蒙斯。 由西蒙·坎伯斯媒體基金會支持 我的同事、攝影師布倫達·菲茨西蒙斯(Brenda Fitzsimons)比我們離物體更近。 我們將成為死亡者。 恐慌突然襲遍我全身。 我從來沒有在不知不覺中如此接近死亡。 我們現在看到的 Blu-26 是美國在 1964 年至 1973 年間投放到寮國的估計 8,000 萬枚未爆炸彈藥之一。它是集束炸彈外殼內的 670 枚類似小炸彈之一,稱為CBU-24 ,它在半空中打開並投放其內容物。 大多數集束炸彈在撞擊時爆炸。 我們現在看到的那個卻沒有。


  In 1979, a sheriff’s deputy in rural Minnesota encountered what he could only describe as an unidentified flying object. And no expert, investigator or engineer could ever prove him wrong On a late August night in 1979, Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson was on patrol in rural Marshall County, Minnesota. The closest town was 10 miles away and the night was still, the fields around him quiet and empty. Suddenly, Johnson saw a bright light streak across the darkness above. He grabbed hold of the wheel of his patrol car and hung a left on State Highway 220.  Perhaps the light was a pilot in distress? Either way, Johnson kept racing toward whatever it was. But then the light shifted and began to head in his direction, right at him in fact. It grew brighter and brighter, until he heard glass shatter –– the light had entered his patrol car. Everything turned to black, and Johnson lost consciousness. What happened next has remained a mystery for the last 43 years.  He later told local reporter Jil

Redhead Italian Beauty: Glamorous Photos Of Scilla Gabel, the Sophia Loren’s Double

  S cilla Gabel is an Italian actress and television personality. The Blue-eyed redhead, with the perfect body measurements earned a role as Sophia Loren‘s body double in the movie “Boy on a Dolphin”. Gabel looked so much like Loren that she was quickly hired to work as Loren’s double again in “Legend of the Lost”. During that time, she also appeared in many Italian movies with small roles. Scilla Gabel combing herself in front of the mirror in the film “The Two Colonels”, 1962 Although she appeared in 50 films, but failed to make significant progress in big screen as Loren’s despite their similarities. In the 1980s Gabel appeared in Italian television mini-series based on novels. Her uncanny resemblance to Loren and the stereotyped roles that she played destroyed her career. Italian actress Scilla Gabel jumping from a chair, 1960s Scilla Gabel smiling to the photographer while is leant against a wood wall, Italy, 1965. Scilla Gabel reclines with a feather boa in a still from


  飾 演霍格華茲校長的演員麥可甘本去世,享年83歲,大批GP粉絲齊聲舉起魔杖向他致敬。


  今 天看似時髦、時髦的東西,明天可能會成為普遍嘲笑的對象。 歷代顯然沒有想到這一點。 當然,透過訴諸奇怪的美容趨勢,他們相信自己可以讓自己的外表變得更明亮、更不尋常,而且他們的方法將在文化中根深蒂固幾個世紀。 過去的時尚達人會毫不猶豫地穿著不舒服的衣服,這往往會導致受傷,並使用可疑的、有時甚至是危險的化妝品。 為了美麗,你會不遺餘力。 值得慶幸的是,今天這些趨勢基本上已經成為過去,不會再讓任何人感到震驚。  緊身胸衣 在維多利亞時代的英國,女性的細腰不僅是一種時尚宣言,也是一種責任。 只有那些行為不符合普遍接受的規範的人會拒絕穿緊身胸衣。 這件衣服給女性帶來了真正的折磨,導致昏厥、呼吸困難、內臟移位。 過去的緊身胸衣無法與現代型號相比,現代型號是根據完全不同的原理製成的,並且無法收緊那麼多。  在古代,日本有一種不尋常的將牙齒變黑的傳統。 它被稱為“ohaguro”,一直存在到明治時代(1868-1912)。 黑化是由結婚的女孩進行的。 這是她對丈夫強烈而不變的感情的標誌。 牙齒上沾有一種特殊的糊狀物,這種糊狀物是由鐵屑、醋和茶末製成的。  剃光額頭 在伊莉莎白時代(1558-1603),高額頭被認為是美麗的象徵。 許多女性和男性故意剃掉前額的頭髮以順應時尚潮流。 有些人甚至設法去除所有臉部毛髮,以使他們的轉變更加明顯。  龐大的假髮   16世紀歐洲時尚的主要立法者是國王。 於是,多虧了路易十四,出現了著名的巨大粉假髮。 然而,這款配件如此受歡迎的原因遠非成為時尚人群的一部分。 貴族代表用假髮來隱藏自己的光頭。 這是必要的,因為長髮在歐洲被認為是權力的象徵之一。 女性也不落後於男性。 然而,他們笨重的假髮主要強調了他們的地位。  不自然的蒼白 在19世紀,許多女性故意食用含有砷的華夫餅,也少量食用純淨形式的砷。 這種操作可以使臉色變得更白,並消除雀斑和痤瘡。  肌膚煥發光彩  發現鐳的瑪麗居禮和皮耶居禮並不知道這種危險元素會被用在化妝品上。 但這正是美容產業的企業家所做的。 1930 年代,鐳被宣稱為“包治百病”,人們開始積極將其添加到粉餅、口紅和乳霜中。 這類致命化妝品最受歡迎的製造商是美國公司 Tho-Radia。 儘管該品牌賺取了數百萬美元,但其數百萬客戶卻因接受令人難以置信的劑量的輻射而不可逆轉地損害了他們的健康。  瞳孔大 如今,女性積極使用化妝品