Holly Peers gets skintimate at home

It's a good idea to have a Monday follow the Oscars, considering that most of the people who make the decisions regarding who wins and doesn't win (or doesn't even prove worthy enough to garner a nomination) are a bunch of boobs. I have to say that I'm as sick of the Oscars as I am of anything regarding the politics in the U.S. It borderlines on embarrassing. Are they trying to have it lead up to something that people can guess correctly in order to win prizes with their Oscar pools? Whatever the case, I'd rather enjoy a fine pair of tittays over the millionaires who get together to give other millionaires little golden statues. Yay for them. Instead, let us all take a deep breath from between the cleavage of the famous Holly Peers. Nestle our heads in the soft bosom of her uncomplicated rack. Happy Monday to all.

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